Can We Donate to Eco Hotspots?
No, this is just an informative blog. Donate to save the amazon here.

Why Are Eco Hotspots Important to Preserve?
Because Eco Hotspots are the most biologically diverse areas in the world. They make up over 50% of species. However they are becoming more and more threatened by the day.

What can I do to help?
Go to "Amazon Rainforest- A Hotspot" for easy tips to help save the amazon. This tips are easy to do and don't take too much time or effort to do.

Are South American Tapirs the only endangered animals in the Amazon?
Of Course not. It is just one example of many more endangered animals such as Giant Otters, Uakari Monkeys, White Cheeked Spider Monkeys, Hyacinth Macaws and more.

Do you plan to advertise this website to get the message across?
Maybe. However advertising websites costs money. However you can help spread the message of this website to help save our Earths Bio Hotspots.
